State House Restoration Construction Updates


Preparations are being made to install granite copings and decorative border pavers at the Northeast plaza. To do so, the northeast plaza will be closed for (1) week, from Monday, February 24, 2025 through Monday, May 3, 2025.

See diagram​.

Key points regarding the temporary closure:

  • Access to the State House will remain available via the west plaza into the ground floor entrance and from the north monumental steps into the first floor of the State House.
  • Access to the front entrances from the southeast portion of the grounds via the newly installed walkways will remain open.
  • A temporary barrier and signage will be installed at the ground Floor entrance directing those exiting the building to the west.
  • Emergency egress from the building will not be impacted.
  • Parking will not be impacted.

A future closure of the northwest plaza will be scheduled to perform similar work once the northeast plaza is completed and available to access the ground floor entrance.


As DGS continues to make progress, preparations are being made to implement the next parking reallocation.

Salient Highlights of the Sequence 5 Scheme:

  • On or about the 26th of December, Executive Parking Spaces E13, E14, and E15 will be returning to their originally assigned locations just above Francis Street. Accordingly, the temporary locations previously assigned to these executive spaces, will be permanently restored to 2-Hr. Public Parking Spaces 10, 11, and 12 (just below Maryland Ave.).
  • The contractor's temporary staging and loading dock area on the west side of the 1772 Building will be permanently restored on or about 1/6/25.  At that time, Executive Parking spaces E3 through E7 will be restored to their original locations.
  • 2-HR. Public Parking-1 (between Francis and Cornhill Streets) will be permanently converted to public parking use on or about 1/01/25.

Once all of these modifications have been implemented, all Executive, Senate, and House parking assignments, with the exception of Executive Spaces E19, E20, and E21, will have been permanently restored to their original locations.  Executive Spaces E19, E20, and E21 will continue to temporarily occupy Public Parking Spaces 2, 3, and 4 through Spring 2025 when the Old Treasury Building restoration is complete.

The exterior restoration of the State House and the grounds immediately around the perimeter of the building will largely be complete by the end of the calendar year.  Delays associated with the fabrication of stone materials and the recent cold-weather conditions are impacting a number of items including the completion of the North Annex plazas on the east and west side of the monumental steps as well as the undercroft. Both of these plazas will remain functional until such time that stone materials are delivered to the site and weather conditions allow for installation.  All of this work will be scheduled and implemented in a manner that allows for ongoing access to the building via the ground floor entrance during normal business hours. Other miscellaneous work will continue around the building with little to no impact on building occupants.

The scope associated with the new service lift inside the basement of the 1772 Building has been impacted by unanticipated field conditions and we may encounter additional delays while engineering issues are being addressed. Since the new west service entrance has been substantially completed, building operations will not be impacted.

Our work on the Grounds will continue as weather permits.  Temporary closures of limited scope on the south side of the site will be implemented to allow for as much ongoing access as possible. This type of work will begin with the Stair J scope, beginning in mid-January. 

The Old Treasury Building restoration will continue through Spring 2025; upon completion, all parking including public will be restored to the original pre-construction configuration. Limited landscape work will be accomplished before the end of the calendar year with the balance completing during the spring planting season.​


DGS continues to make significant progress on the State House project and has moved into Sequence 4. The Sequence 4 construction and parking re-alignment is depicted on the Sequence 4 Diagram​ and colored blue; prior sequences with as-planned on-going construction are also depicted as noted in the key.

Salient highlights of the Sequence 4 scheme:

  • Parking spaces H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, E1 and E2 are returning to their original locations on the inside lane of State Circle (northwest quadrant) as of 11/27/24. This action, previously identified as a goal of the Sequence 3 scope, frees up the (6) spaces being used by the State on the outside lane of State Circle in the vicinity of Shaw House and can now be restored for public parking, permanently.
    • Signage for spaces H1 through H5, E1 and E2 will be temporary.  Note: the reconfigured plaza and reduced area of planter wall will impact the ability to reinstall parking signs as they previously existed.
  • Parking Spaces E23, H6 and H7 were relocated to their original locations on the northeast side of State Circle (inside lane) just above Maryland Ave.
  • Restoration of the retaining wall on the southwest corner of State Circle (Segment B, between Stairs B and C) began on 12/02/24.
    • Parking Spaces E13, E14, E15 will be relocated to Parking Spaces TCC-2, TCC-3 and TCC-4 on the southeast side of State Circle (inside lane), just below Maryland Ave. Restoration is slated to complete by 1/01/25 and parking spaces will be redeployed to their original location at that time.
    • Public Parking Space 8 was restored for public use during the prior sequence; Parking space TCC-1 is being restored for public use through the end of the calendar year.
    • Contractor Parking/Loading Zone on the southeast portion of the site will be limited to (3) parking spaces as of 12/02/24 (Public-5, 6 and 7).
    • The loading zone on the west side of State Circle between Stairs A and B is anticipated to be permanently removed around mid-to-late December.

Going forward temporary closures of the northwest and northeast plazas, the ground floor entrance and various interior site stairs will be necessary to complete finish work including new granite slabs, bollards and decorative borders, lighting, security features, stairs and railings, etc. Work will be scheduled to minimize impacts to the extent possible while maintaining building access.​

  • Restoration of the State House and grounds immediately around the perimeter of the building is anticipated to be completed by the end of calendar year 2024.
  • Restoration of the Old Treasury Building is projected to be completed in the Summer of 2025.
  • Grounds work is generally anticipated to be complete by February 2025, with certain landscaping delayed to the proper planting season in March 2025. Temporary closures of limited areas within the site will be implemented as necessary with the goal of maintaining public access to the site to the greatest extent possible.

Salient highlights of the Sequence 3 Parking scheme:

  • Parking Space H7 is being relocated to TCC-4, just south of the Maryland Ave. intersection on State Circle from 11/04/24 thru 12/01/24; return to original location on 12/02/24.
  • Parking Space H6 is being relocated to TCC-3, just south of the Maryland Ave. intersection on State Circle from 11/04/24 thru 12/01/24; return to original location on 12/02/24.
  • Parking Space E23 is being relocated to TCC-2, just south of the Maryland Ave. intersection on State Circle from 11/04/24 thru 12/01/24; return to original location on 12/02/24.
  • Contractor Parking Spaces TCC 2, 3 and 4 are being relocated to Public Parking 5, 6 and 7, respectively 
    • This parking has been blocked due to construction since 10/04/24 and does NOT result in additional lost public parking
    • These parking spaces will remain for contractor use/ loading zone until approx. 1/31/25
  • Public Parking-8 is being returned for public parking use
  • TCC-1 contractor parking is being returned for public parking use

Additionally, please note that the newly restored west plaza on the north side of the 1906 Annex will be reopened for public access on 11/05/24, ahead of schedule. The Ground Floor entrance to the State House will then be accessible from both the east and west sides of the monumental steps. Future temporary closures will be required to install final finish materials and lighting, both in the undercroft below the monumental steps as well as at each of the flanking plazas.

A temporary closure of State Circle has been coordinated with the MD Capitol Police, DGS OFM, the City of Annapolis, and the MD Stadium Authority team working on the Legislative Services Building. The closure is necessary to install conduit across State Circle to support a new facade lighting system for the State House.

The closure will be implemented between North Street and School Street beginning at 5 PM on Monday, 8/26/24 and will have a 4-day duration through 8/29/24. Noisy work will cease by 10 PM nightly and the shift will end daily at 3 AM. The street will be plated at the end of each shift to allow for normal daytime traffic to navigate State Circle as usual. All work will be completed by 3 AM on the morning of 8/30/24.


  • Scaffold demobilization is ongoing based on construction progress. However, delays due to field conditions and weather (including the upcoming Tropical Storm Debby) are impacting the target completion for full demobilization by mid-September 2024 by several weeks. 
    • Lower levels of scaffold are anticipated to remain on site to accommodate window reinstallation on the First Floor and to complete the challenging restoration of the South Portico on the 1772 Building.
    • The restored bronze doors for the First Floor North Entrance will return to the site in late August for re-installation; the entrance will be shut down for approximately 4 days.
  • Site restoration on the Grounds is ongoing and largely focused on the northeast section of the site as well as the northeast side of the Annex monumental steps facing Lawyers' Mall.
    • Construction on the State Circle retaining wall between North Street and the North Annex entrance continues; sidewalk and snow melt systems are following the restoration sequence.
    • Realignment of the State Circle curb along the Government House site has been completed.
    • Sidewalk demolition on the northwest and west sides of the 1906 Annex is ongoing; this scope was accelerated into the current phase of work to mitigate delays in future phases of work.
    • A near-term 4-day night closure of State Circle between North St. and School St. will be required to install conduits across State Circle to support a new facade lighting system; the closure will be coordinated with the City and local residents will be advised ASAP. State Circle will be plated during the day to allow for normal traffic use.
    • The next rotation of parking assignments on State Circle is anticipated to be implemented in September 2024.
    • Walkways inside State Circle are currently restricted on the east side of the 1906 Annex as new walkways and a new ADA entrance are being constructed and infrastructure is extended to the Old Treasury Building; walkway restrictions inside State Circle will continue to be implemented as work progresses to future phases and new work is released for public access.
  • The Old Treasury Building Exterior restoration is ongoing.
    • Underground infrastructure has progressed to the building and nearing completion.
    • Drainage field installation is anticipated to be complete by the end of August.
    • Foundation repointing has begun.

UPDATE: JULY  1, 2024
The project is currently transitioning from building construction to site work/grounds construction.
What does this mean?

  • Scaffold demobilization has begun with complete removal anticipated to be complete by mid-September 2024
  • The restoration of the Old Treasury Building Exterior has begun
  • The restoration of the site has begun and will be completed in 6 distinct phases driven by the restoration of the State Circle retaining wall.
  • Parking on the inside lane of State Circle will be reallocated as necessary to accommodate each phase of the grounds restoration.
  • 6 spaces currently being used by House and Senate leadership on the outside lane of State Circle on the west side of the State House are anticipated to be returned to the City before Christmas 2024
  • Walkways inside the grounds will be restored in sequences driven by the restoration of the State Circle retaining wall and, accordingly, pathways inside the grounds will be restricted at times.​