Surplus Property

Federal Surplus Property Donation Program

The Federal Surplus Property Donation Program enables certain non-federal organizations such as local jurisdictions (state, city, county, towns and villages) and non profit organizations to obtain surplus property from the Federal government under the authority of Title 40 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 549 based on an application process. The Department of General Services/MSPD is the designated state agency to administer the Federal donation program in the State of Maryland via the transfer process.

Personal property includes all types and categories of property, except land and real property, certain naval vessels and records of the federal government. Examples of surplus property are:

  • Communication and electronic equipment, including computers
  • Furniture/Motor vehicles/Clothing/Medical equipment supplies
  • Hand and machine tools/Appliances/Hardware/Boats
  • Construction equipment/Airplanes/Generators/Etc

If your application is approved, your organization will be called a “Donee”. As a Donee you can then screen and request available property via the following methods Springfield GSA warehouse, other holding federal agency or, the online resource website​. Although you may search for property on your own, all requests for property must be made by the SASP.

*** The Donee is assessed a service charge based on the acquisition cost of the property. The Maryland Department of General Services Fiscal Services division will invoice you for the service charge ***

Generally, the Donee must agree to place the property into use in Maryland within one year of the acquisition, and continue the property use for:

  • One year---for property with a unit acquisition value of less than $5,000
  • Eighteen Months---for passenger motor vehicles or any item of property having a unit acquisition value of $5,000 or more;
  • Five years—for aircraft and vessels 50 feet or more in length
  • In perpetuity—for combat-configured aircraft, and firearms

A clear title to donated property is not granted until all restriction criteria are met. Violations of any of the conditions or restrictions may require return of the property to the SASP, or reimbursement of fair market value if the property is unable to be recovered.


The Maryland Department General Services Surplus Property Office is in the process of modifying the state plan for the Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program.

Per Code §102-37.165 of Federal Regulations, the state of Maryland must publish a general notice of the plan or amendment at least 60 calendar days in advance of filing the proposal with the General Services Administration and provide interested parties at least 30 calendar days to submit comments before filing the proposal.

You can review the modified state plan here.

Please submit any comments or questions about the state plan ​to​

​State Surplus Program

Federal Surplus Donation Program
